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Brewers go head to head in battle for Muslim markets

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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-10-03 08:32 AM
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Brewers go head to head in battle for Muslim markets
Forget Pepsi versus Coca-Cola. The next big battle of the beverages is brewing between European lager giants in the most unlikely of markets. Global ale empires have embarked upon a scramble to tempt Muslims.

Carlsberg and Heineken are smashing through brewing's final frontier and taking their marketing muscle to parts other beers can't reach. But potential drinkers in countries such as Saudi Arabia need not fear. There will not be 80 lashes should they choose to imbibe, because the potions pouring their way are strictly non-alcoholic.

An advertising onslaught across the Middle East and southern Asia is expected in a bid to woo drinkers and establish brand loyalty. A number of Western firms already export drinks such as Kaliber and Barbican to dry markets, but with thirsts deepening it appears the key showdown will be between old rivals - Danish Carlsberg and Dutch Heineken. Only this time it is Moussy v Fayrouz.
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