Study suggests nationwide epidemic is worse than thought
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Forty percent of public schoolchildren in Arkansas are overweight, and nearly one in four is obese, a sign that obesity among children nationwide is probably far worse than health officials had thought.
The findings are the broadest and most recent comprehensive look at children’s weights, the result of a state law in Arkansas, where state officials have made obesity a top issue.
“I think we’ll find as we go along that Arkansas is not that much more obese than other parts of the country,” said Dr. Carden Johnston, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “(The) Arkansas data is the best that we have because it’s cross-sectional.”
The Arkansas numbers paint a more dire picture than previous national studies. Those have indicated that about 30 percent of American children are overweight or obese. Those falling into the obese category account for about 15 percent.
In Arkansas, about 22 percent of the children are considered obese while 18 percent are merely overweight. Fifty-eight percent are normal weight, and 2 percent underweight. saw this in Arkansas Forum but I believe this is Breaking News! This is more than Iraq, more than Dems or Repukes. This is the life and survival of our Nation and nobody is doing anything about it. As far as I'm concerned this is the death sentence notice for America. These kids are NOT going to amazingly become active and control their eating as they get older. The weight is just going to keep piling on. And so it will for their children. And so it will be the death of our Nation.
I really don't think anyone needs a 'study' to tell us this. All you need to do is look at a school ground or a mall.