'Torso' killer seeking return of luxury items
Associated Press
Former Scottsdale salon owner Valerie Pape had just entered a guilty plea in the death of her husband in this 2002 photo.
Adam Klawonn
The Arizona Republic
Jun. 3, 2004 12:00 AM
Valerie Pape, a former Scottsdale salon owner convicted of killing her husband in the grisly 2000 "torso murder," has filed a legal claim against Mesa to get back her snakeskin suits, Ralph Lauren umbrella and designer purses.
Pape pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the slaying of her husband, Ira Pomerantz. His headless, limbless body was found in a dumpster behind an east Mesa supermarket.
Pape, serving a 16-year sentence at Arizona State Prison Complex-Perryville, claims Mesa police improperly turned over $16,000 worth of personal items, including designer lingerie, family photos and keepsakes, collected during the investigation to Pomerantz's daughter, Stacy.
Pape's attorney, John Stookey, is asking for $16,000, plus $100,000 more if the city does not return the property.
Stookey cites a March 16 letter from Mesa police attorney Peter Thompson:
"It is the case agent's responsibility to review the list of property prior to release to ensure its return to the rightful owner," Thompson wrote. "That review was not done thoroughly enough to prevent the mistake in this case. Detective Gates has been admonished for his role in the mistaken release of property."
The claim was triggered by an investigation of Stacy Pomerantz. She is suspected of passing checks in Pape's name around Palm Springs, Calif.
http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0603Pape03.htmlThis is very sick....why would she need them?