In a telephone interview with The Times,military intelligence soldierRivera described his involvement in the case for the first time - denies superiors in MI ordered "softening up" prisoners in this manner. Ghraib Intelligence Soldier Describes Iraq Abuse in Detail
By Greg Miller, Times Staff Writer
WASHINGTON — <snip>Rivera, 20, is the first military intelligence soldier to come forward publicly and say that he witnessed a fellow intelligence soldier, Cruz, taking part in the abuse of prisoners in the isolation cellblock at Abu Ghraib. Cruz has also been cited in testimony by Sgt. Samuel J. Provance III, another intelligence officer, who said Cruz "was known to bang on the table, yell, scream, and maybe assaulted detainees during interrogations in the booth."
Cruz could not be reached for comment this week.
Because they are among only a handful of intelligence soldiers directly tied to the abuse in photographs, Rivera and Cruz are potentially important witnesses for military investigators seeking to determine the scope of the scandal — specifically whether the torture of detainees had any connection to the interrogation operation at Abu Ghraib.
Rivera disputed such claims, saying the abuse he witnessed had nothing to do with "softening up" prisoners to get information from them. <snip>