It obfuscates the real nature of the 911 enablers. The FBI is the agency primarily responsible for the "failures" of intelligence in defending this country. The problem is those weren't failures of neglect but deliberate acts of blocking the agencies investigative and counter-intelligence functions for political reasons ordered from above. The FBI field offices were basically on top of a number of investigative leads which were shut down by the central office.
This obstruction of investigative and intelligence functions is still going on as we speak. The gag on Sibel Edmonds is a perfect example, this originates with Ashcroft himself since his flunkies were unable to silence her. Congress and the 911 Commission have done nothing with evidence of government and corporate complicity provided by Edmonds behind closed doors. FBI director Mueller is an active conspirator. Another example is the obstruction of the Anthrax investigation by the FBI. Another is the curtailment of the money laundering/ weapon purchases for Pakistani sponsored terrorists by an official of Deutchebank AB, this investigation revealed to the FBI in 1999 that a plot to destroy the towers was underway again. Another is the concealment of AMR and UA put options "speculators" before 911 at Deutchebank AB.
Take a look at Sibel Edmonds heavily censored interview by Peter Hogue conducted under a Justice gag order:
Sibel Edmonds interview: Jim Hogue the OSP involvement in manipulation of intelligence data and assessments concerning Iraq is undeniable, it is also undeniable that Tenet provided the support for Powell's gross misrepresentations at the UN. The analytic side of the CIA and State really understood the shortcomings of the coming Iraq war as a policy option, but their leaders weren't interested in good advice, they wanted war.
There is also a serious question about direct aiding and abetting of the 911 terror plot by members of the US government, and agents of Pakistan, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. I maintain that this involves a certain amount of active complicity by the CIA on the operational side. One need only observe the details surrounding Mohammed Atta's Florida support system and the curious circumstantial ties of the
Florida based terrorists to an individual from AMI which experienced the first anthrax fatality to realize that this is an intelligence black operation. Airport security was compromised by a company controlled by Israeli agents and FAA security was compromised by a Saudi operated information technology firm.
I think the thing that is most appalling is the circumstantial connections of Graham, and Goss to the conspiracy. They met with the Pakistani ISI paymaster of Mohammed Atta shortly before the 911 attacks. These Senators are well known to the intelligence community and supposedly in an oversight capacity. This is evidence that the entire democratic political process is rotten to the core.
I remember a former intelligence official telling me, none of what you say about our intelligence agencies could be true, we have strict congressional oversight. Nothing could be further from the truth.