For family of sergeant killed in Iraq, clearer picture of son's fate finally emerges
By RANDALL RICHARD, AP National Writer
Sgt. Donald Walters knew he would die in Iraq. All that remained to be sorted out in March of 2003 -- the day he called his father from Kuwait to order his own casket -- was when and how.
Even today, nearly 14 months after he was buried, the sorting out of Walters' death continues. For his mother and father in Oregon, his widow and three daughters, the process has been long, painful, and filled with pride as well as sorrow.
First there was a case of mistaken identity -- a mistake, for want of a properly translated pronoun, that helped catapult Pfc. Jessica Lynch to celebrity and left Walters' heroism in the shadows.
There was this blond soldier, according to Iraqi battlefield radio chatter, who would not stop fighting -- not after the soldier's convoy was ambushed in Nasiriyah, not after he was shot in the leg or stabbed twice in the stomach.