I fully expect the flip-flopper-in-Chief to fold on this.
WASHINGTON - The heads of 211 corporations have written President Bush urging him to accept a higher level of spending for future highway programs, saying a robust highway bill was critical to their own, and the nation's, economic growth.
The White House has warned that Bush will levy the first veto of his presidency if Congress gives him either the Senate bill or the House-passed bill, estimated to cost about $284 billion.
The administration, saying the growing federal deficit requires greater fiscal discipline, has set a ceiling of $256 billion, but suggested it could accept $275 billion as long as the bill does not raise taxes or add to the deficit.
The CEOs and presidents said $318 billion should be the minimum acceptable, saying it would "create over 2 million American job opportunities and help address the growing deterioration of the nation's highway, bridge and transit infrastructure facilities."