While feigning objection then giving in the US Govt. seems compliant. All the while this new Iraqi Govt. is a pure puppet regime of the USA.
Most Americans may be gullible enough to believe this "Full Sovereignty" hype but it is highly doubtful that most Iraqis will.
It is a set up fashioned after the UK model of colonization that could have been done a year ago but the US Govt wonks ignored the Brits advice. All of the US Allies are hypocritical with this as they were all along. The interim Govt. won't be much different than the Govt. that may come out of the Jan. 2005 supposed elections because the same people in this puppet Govt. will be the choices for offices. This entire matter is a ruse and so is the Afghanistan situation.
Once again, the real deal:
Full Sovereignty?
Throughout the spring, as hundreds died in the spiraling conflict, as Regime bosses applied their hardcore "anti-terrorist" tortures to innocent bystanders raked up in their occupation nets, as Regime mouthpieces prated endlessly of "liberation" and "sovereignty," Bush viceroy Paul Bremer was quietly signing a series of edicts that will give the United States effective control over the military, ministries -- and money -- of any Iraqi government, for years to come, The Wall Street Journal reports.
Bremer has placed U.S.-appointed "commissions" made up of Americans and local puppets throughout Iraqi government agencies; the ministers supposedly in charge weren't even told of the edicts. These boards "will serve multiyear terms and have significant authority to run criminal investigations, award contracts, direct troops and subpoena citizens," the Journal reports. Any new Iraqi government "will have little control over its armed forces, lack the ability to make or change laws and be unable to make major decisions within specific ministries without tacit U.S. approval, say U.S. officials."
Earlier Bremer edicts laid the Iraqi economy wide open to ruthless exploitation by Bush-approved foreign "investors"; dominance of such key sectors as banking, communications -- and energy -- is already well advanced. The latest dictates aim to ensure that this organized looting goes on, no matter what kind of makeshift "interim government" the United Nations manage to piece together. Bush's plans to build a Saddamite fortress embassy in Baghdad and 14 permanent military bases around the country are designed to provide the knee-breaking "security" for these lucrative arrangements