So to the 80's long-range surface-to-surface missile (Jericho II) and its range of 900 miles & payload of 2,200 pounds of nuclear weapons, plus its air launch cruise missile, Israel can add a brand new ground launch cruise missle. Wouldn't it be better to have them part of NATO? Israel Develops Its First (land launch) Cruise Missile
By Laurie Copans Associated Press Writer
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel has developed its first surface-to-surface cruise missile with a range of at least 180 miles, according to a report to be published in Jane's Defence Weekly and obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press.
<snip>Called the Delilah-GL (ground launch), the missile could reach the territory of all of Israel's neighbors. Iran, however, would be out of range. The weapon fulfills Israel's 10-year quest for a such a missile, experts told the London-based publication.
The Delilah-GL (ground launch) is an adaptation of the Delilah, its air-launched predecessor, Jane's said, quoting officials at Israel Military Industries, where the missile is made. <snip>
Israel developed the new technology after a decade of trying to obtain surface-to-surface cruise missiles. The United States has twice denied Israeli requests to purchase the Tomahawk land-attack cruise missile, Jane's reported. <snip>