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WP,pg 1: Schisms from (Reagan) Adm. Lingered for Yrs.(downside look)

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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 05:02 PM
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WP,pg 1: Schisms from (Reagan) Adm. Lingered for Yrs.(downside look)
Schisms From Administration Lingered for Years

By Eric Pianin and Thomas B. Edsall
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, June 9, 2004; Page A01

As the nation mourns its 40th president, much is being made of Ronald Reagan's role in reordering U.S.-Soviet relations and dramatically redefining the terms of the political debate over tax policy, defense, domestic priorities and social justice. The outpouring of flattering eulogies and tributes since the conservative icon died Saturday is what presidential historian Robert Dallek described yesterday as "hagiography" of a highly popular political leader.

But the lavish praise obscures that much of Reagan's record through eight years in office was highly controversial and intensified social and political divisions. Even now, nearly 16 years after he left office, some major interest groups and key voting blocs most adversely affected by Reagan policies remain bitter about his legacy.

The controversies and scandals included attacks on the federal school lunch program and aid to the poor, anti-union tactics, the illegal sale of arms to Iran and Reagan's 1985 participation in a ceremony at a German cemetery where Nazi soldiers are buried.

No group may have chafed more at Reagan's policies and views than African Americans, who assailed the president for opposing racial quotas and for seeking to obtain a tax credit for Bob Jones University, a segregated southern school....

(much more)

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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 06:51 PM
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1. WP deserves credit for this frontpage story today --
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Sentath Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Some at least
They made attempts at 'balance' that leave me a little queasy from the forced perspective needed to make the good things as big as the bad.

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dusty64 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 06:27 AM
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3. The corporate rightwing
propaganda machine is in overdrive trying to rewrite history with much success. I haven't forgotten the reagan years and NO amount of revisionist history is gonna change that, he pretty much made me what I am today politically.
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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 08:37 AM
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4. kick - good to see a tiny bit of balance
in terms of volume of types of coverage
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PATRICK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 09:18 AM
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5. Truth emerging already?
Edited on Thu Jun-10-04 09:18 AM by PATRICK
I was surprised by the number of "balance" articles coming out as the hordes of mourners, after briefly panicking over a flyover scare, are still processing in front of the casket.

The trouble is, balance has been strangely present like endless variations of a Marc Anthony funeral oration- only unintentional. Because neither Reagan nor the GOP ever were held to account for the ugly stuff, as was Nixon, the lack of definition keeps blurring the "legacy".

Every effusive bit if praise is followed by a "but" sometimes a long thoughtful double take that almost shows sign the adoring mourner is waking up to some huge joke. That has been going on constantly. Reagan was "this", "but" and then the simplistic parrot talk is so much more negated that the gutted bit of praise is crammed with a bitter pill too big to swallow.

And what was wisely predicted here- that people would tire of the Shaka Zulu mourning in America praise witch hunt- pouring like endless summer retro- 80's reruns out of all media outlets- has proven swiftly true.

THAT is probably why(sensing classic American apathy) the more courageous major leaguers have joined the ranks of the acid drippers to "correct the record" of a triumphalist travesty never called to account for its shortcomings and disasters. Some even reveal they do hold a grudge for having been ignored and played like chumps as the Great Communicator accomplished the one thing any President and leader must do. Never let the media call the shots. And lie and mold public opinion more simply and outrageously than all the mega-lie industry could ever imagine. Missing in all this is the fawning, the cowardice, the enabling, the blind incompetence of the media as a mythical tool of the public.

The moment of seeing the media in that different foolish light came to me on the eve of Nixon's resignation when a somber Dan Rather was in front of the White House trying to craft a fitting national mood of high tragedy and even compassion.

When a Mayflower van for some reason pulled up in front during this bit of poetry the crowd outside broke into cheers. Barely skipping a beat, Rather gloomed on trying even to interpret the playful mood back into his performance. It was funnier than a dozen Mel Brooks movies.

This is why restraint is important. In America only the pompous need pumping with pomp. Every normal person realizes Reagan's grinding death was a merciful release. Some of the stuff forced into their ears is making them wonder when we will be released from the strange legacy and sharp right turns. Aside from vainly supporting stem cell research(a singular personal exception such as Grover Norquist argued narrowly for when his daughter needed medical marijuana), maybe sympathy should be extended to the living still suffering from unredeemed policy failures. The family of the president is essence is his people. As a people we need comfort and solace because, like some of Reagan's close family, we were never reconciled, never confronted the source of abuse.

The most discordant and malicious examples of this bitterness, this abused people crying out in rage, may have peeked out here. Very impolite and even impolitic. Like the rebellious scene making child at the fringe of the gathering. As the days, even minutes rolled by, the quieter, the most placid voices have all chimed in with their own admitted or just evident tales of wrongs. Trying to confront those in denial, those admiring sons and daughters who felt loved and saw a different kind of reality in Reagan is too big for a Lifetime Cable Channel whitebread flic.

The big dramatic resolution will be drawn out too. In this November's swing away from Reaganism. And next November's. And the next. And the next.

Because this family, this America, has to grow up and make it on its own- and stop reacting to father figures. Or small k kings.

To sum up with something fittingly trivial. if all they want is a symbol set in stone when the mortal flesh has gone where all must go, then name one building in DC that best bears the signs of Regan's legacy.

The Treasury Building(sorry Pentgramgon). Put his smiling image on the center of the pediment. If some day, its doors open to the howling winds playing like the souls of Marley's buddies lamenting their foolish greed, that building lies silent and empty as the grave, then the perfect Reagan tribute will have it's fit Ozymandias legacy for the ages.
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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 01:28 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. Wow, PATRICK! That is quite a post -- and very thought-provoking...
especially about the nation as one big (dysfunctional?) family.
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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 01:18 PM
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6. kick
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