Some Russians believe they are fighting a battle against people with darker skins -- and the haters are growing in number
AP , Moscow
Thursday, Jun 10, 2004,Page 16
Semyon Tokmakov stretches out his hand and points to a thick scar he got from assaulting a black US Marine six years ago. The attack cost him one-and-a-half years in jail, but Tokmakov says he has no regrets.
``We are waging a racial holy war,'' said Tokmakov, 28, an informal leader among Moscow's skinheads, whose violence appears to be rising.
Over the last several years, Russia has become a strikingly hostile place for all those with African, Asian or so-called Caucasian features -- the dark skin and dark hair typical for the peoples of the mountainous Caucasus region. people! And Bush sets the world's tone by example by murdering, butchering, sexually torturing men women and chldren... Set's the example that 'we don't have to follow the law. We make our own justice. We are exempt from International Laws... I'll be amazed if the world isn't in total chaos in 2 years.
I have some sort of instinctual friendship and liking toward women. Since I was a child I remember all the girls wanting to get a tan to be darker. And I must admit it looked pretty cool when they were brown. Then I moved to Hawaii and found that all the girls are brown. HOG HEAVEN! Then I kept moving West or East depending which goofy rule your follow and I found out the all the girls are golden brown even if they don't go for a sun tan. HOG HOG HEAVEN!
I am so far removed from these sick twisted prejudice people no matter where they might be found. Russia, Australia, the South, in the GOP Party..., I can't even begin to imagine their sickness. I guess that's where my faith comes in. Something just can't understand such sickness I resort to faith. I honestly call it/them 'agents of Satan' which is the closest I can comprehend to what is their thought process. And I'm sure Jesus would come to the same conclusion.