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NYT, p.1: Undecided Voter Becoming Focus of Both Political Parties

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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 09:56 AM
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NYT, p.1: Undecided Voter Becoming Focus of Both Political Parties
Undecided Voter Is Becoming the Focus of Both Political Parties

Published: June 11, 2004

...ARDMORE, Pa., June 10 — They are more likely to be white than black, female than male, married than single, and live in the suburbs rather than in large cities. They are not frequent churchgoers nor gun enthusiasts. They are clustered in swing states like Ohio, Michigan and here in Pennsylvania. And while they follow the news closely, they are largely indifferent to the back and forth of this year's race for president.

These are what pollsters describe as the rarest of Americans in this election year: the undecided voters. And with aides to President Bush and Senator John Kerry increasingly confident about their ability to turn out their base voters, and thus create an electoral standoff in as many as 15 states, these people have become the object of intense concern by the campaigns as they try to figure out who these voters are and how to reach them.

Only about 5 percent of the voting public is undecided, about one-third of what is typical at this point in the campaign, according to several recent polls. That figure increases to about 15 percent when pollsters include supporters of Mr. Kerry and Mr. Bush who say they might change their minds. In addition to those who are torn between the two major-party candidates, and possibly Ralph Nader, there is a sizable number of Americans who are deciding whether to vote at all....


Pollsters and analysts said an in-depth examination of undecided attitudes have identified some shared characteristics of these voters that could be of concern for both candidates, but particularly for Mr. Bush....

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mom-mad-about-bush Donating Member (253 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 10:21 AM
Response to Original message
1. what can someone like me do???
As a mother living in Pennsylvania......what can I do. I know my state can go either can we get the facts out (knowing mainstream media isn't). I've been reading some great books that have many factual and convincing reasons not to re-elect Bush. But it seems that all of these books are geared only toward committed Bush-Haters. There needs to be a book or pamphlet that states all of these facts but isn't offensive to the conservatives. No self respecting conservative would be caught dead reading some of these books, or coming on one of these WEB SITES to gather information. Some of our rhetoric needs to be codling to these non-Bush-Haters, because many of them could be Kerry votes....if they new the truth.
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SeiowMao Donating Member (34 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 12:47 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. and TrueMajority have excellent materials
They are reasoned and not over the top. Buzzflash comes up with great stuff also. Perhaps you haven't checked those site out. They don't do the hate thing and might convenience someone. They regularly ask people to participate in events.

When The Day After Tomorrow came one they asked us to hand out flyer describing how Global warming is a real problem even though the movie was over the top.
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mom-mad-about-bush Donating Member (253 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 01:41 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thank you for your reply.
Thanks....I had heard of Buzzflash, but not the other two.....I will check them out. Thanks alot!
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