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Miami TV invites terrorists to talk...planned attacks on Cuba & Venezuela

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Aidoneus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 03:59 AM
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Miami TV invites terrorists to talk...planned attacks on Cuba & Venezuela
Edited on Sat Jun-12-04 04:07 AM by Aidoneus
Subject header shortened as the original is quite long.

The Terror Hour
Miami TV Station Invites Terrorists to Talk Openly About Their Planned Attacks on Cuba and Venezuela

By CounterPunch Wire

Cuban television tonight broadcast remarkable segments of a one hour program on Miami TV Channel 41 in which known paramilitaries from the Florida based Comandos F4 organization openly spoke of their preparation for an armed attack against Cuba.

In moments of near-hysteria, the leader of Comandos F4, Rodolfo Frometa, said that his organization has people inside and outside Cuba ready to carry out armed acts against the Cuban government. Dressed in fatigues, as were the others of his organization present in the studio, Frometa said that his group trained with AK47 semi-automatic weapons--arms, he said, that were legally obtained in the United States although he admitted he had no paperwork to prove it.

The program was hosted by Oscar Asa, the nephew of former Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. Batista was responsible for the murder of thousands of Cubans until he was forced out by revolutionary forces in 1959. Asa seemed to enjoy posing provocative questions relating to assassination in what critics on Cuba's nightly televised Round Table classed as openly violating US federal law.

It is illegal in the US to defend terrorist actions on TV. The promotion of the assassination of another nation's leader is also illegal under the US Neutrality Act. Nonetheless, commented round table participants, these men were able to openly sit in a studio dressed for war and happily discuss the different armaments they were using to train paramilitaries to attack Cuba, and get away with it. There couldn't be better proof of the US government's complicity with such would-be terrorists.

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JanMichael Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 06:56 AM
Response to Original message
1. We've allowed these terrorists to hide in FL for decades. Orlando Bosch
is my personal favorite murderer. The Bush Family loves him.

Aren't they just precious?
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 11:09 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. He is delightful, isn't he?
How many pediatricians do we know who would give up a career helping people to shoot and bomb perpetually, even being the co-author of an operation which brought down 73 souls all at once in the Cubana air liner. This included the entire Cuban national fencing team, and students from Guyana.

And how many towns would, like Miami, go to the trouble to NAME A DAY AFTER THE TERRORIST? Aw, so cute!
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Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 09:06 AM
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2. There are dozens of these terra groups in Miami operating openly
Edited on Sat Jun-12-04 09:08 AM by Mika
As a matter of fact, you'll see some of these mercenaries sitting on stage whenever politicians, Dems and repugs alike, come pandering to Miami's hard core "exiles" to git tough on Castro.

Alpha Males
It is not night, but Sunday morning. And Leslie is no companera; she's an eleven-year-old who has never been to Cuba and scarcely speaks Spanish. Her father Mario, one of the fighters, left the island during the Mariel boatlift in 1980. Though Leslie thinks she would be willing to join a raid on Cuba when she gets older, she's still a bit uncertain about logistics -- like how she would get there. "I have no idea," she shrugs. "Maybe by boat." But she does have a firm grasp of the objective. "Fidel Castro shouldn't be there, treating those people like he does. He's just really bad to them," she declares. She learned to shoot semiautomatic weapons earlier this year.

Then the thoughtful, articulate sixth-grader at Miami Lakes Middle School confesses the real reason she attends the Sunday training sessions: "I really don't have anything to do at home, so I decided to come here to learn about Cuba and how they train and stuff."

Welcome to Rumbo Sur -- a secluded South Dade training camp belonging to Miami's best-known anti-Castro militia, Alpha 66. The group's secretary general, 78-year-old Andres Nazario Sargen, says Leslie is far too young to go on a real commando raid. But in the next few months he plans to recruit about twenty new troops in their late teens and early twenties. Is he worried about sending members on dangerous, perhaps even suicidal, operations to Cuba? "I'm in a constant state of concern for the life of any person who goes on a mission," the bantam-size but ferocious leader confides, looking out over the shooting range. His thoughts turn to Castro and the island that used to be home. "But the life of a country that has a tyrant is also very worrisome."

They're teaching Miamicuban children "about Cuba and stuff" by training them in terrorist assault tactics.

Its time for the Dem party to listen to reason instead of pandering to the most extreme elements of the Cuban-American community.

Kerry's extremist pandering policy on Cuba:
  • Cuba will remain under US sanctions
  • We will still be travel banned unless our travel is deemed politically worthy by US gov jackboots

    Mr Kerry, Tear down the wall!
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    Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 11:15 AM
    Response to Reply #2
    6. Interesting article on Alpha 66, Mika.
    What's more, it's only one of many in South Florida. They have literally been getting away with murder, with our blessings. What a shame.

    Had they gone after the arch-fiend, and friend of Ronald Reagan, Efraín Rios Montt, they wouldn't be here to continue their plotting and raiding, would they? Only a faint memory, had they gone after a right-wing pet.


    (By the way, I just read this week that Rios Montt actually DID kill more "of his own people" than Saddam Hussein. For humanity's sake, someone SHOULD have stopped him, rather than encouraging the demon.)
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    Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 09:22 AM
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    3. Bush places some of these terrorists in Govt positions
    President Bush Intends to Nominate Foyo to be a Member of the Advisory Board for Cuba Broadcasting
    President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate Feliciano Foyo to be a member of the Advisory Board for Cuba Broadcasting for the remainder of a three-year term expiring August 12, 2004.


    Just plug in Feliciano Foyo to google and you'll find all kinds of terrorist links, and Jeb links, and Ollie North links.


    Connections of CANF’s treasurer
    THE Cuban American National Foundation is well-represented on the GOP’s list of presidential electors from Florida by CANF’s treasurer, Feliciano M. Foyo, who happens to be a good friend of Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Foyo has another friend named Luis Posada Carriles, one of the most notorious terrorists among Cuban expatriates. In an autobiography published in Honduras in 1994, Posada names Feliciano Foyo as one of his financial backers. What does it mean to be one of Posada’s financiers?

    Much more interesting stuff ...

    Foyo helped Posada bomb a passenger jet, killing all

    Remember, Cuban-American (aka: exile) politics has little to do with the eroding loss of democracy in America... move along, nothing to see here.

    Letter from Miami
    The names involved are interesting. Among them: Dr. Alberto Hernandez, who briefly chaired the CANF after Mas Canosa's death in 1997 and was also his personal physician; Feliciano Foyo, who had been CANF treasurer for as long as anyone can remember; and Ignacio Sanchez, one of the Bacardi company's legion of lawyers who, according to his own testimony on the Internet some years ago, helped author the Helms-Burton bill.


    Some also faulted him for mixing it up with Joe Lieberman during the last presidential campaign. The local media have portrayed this last happening as an extraordinary departure for the CANF, with its well-known Republican leanings. But both the media and the defectors seem to have forgotten that Mas Canosa was an equal-opportunity lobbyist. He and others in the CANF had, for many years, contributed handsomely to Joe Lieberman's senatorial war chest. They did the same for Robert Torricelli of New Jersey and Bob Graham of Florida, along with a host of other Democrats.


    Another detail that has largely escaped notice in the press here is that some of the defectors, like Mas Canosa himself, had direct links to Cuban exile terrorists. While the CANF professed to be playing within the rules of the American political ballgame--buying and lobbying sympathetic legislators--many of its older veterans thought this was simply one string on their violin.

    Violence--tacitly accepted by the Reagan and Bush Administrations in their support of the Contras and of death squads in much of Central America--was another part of their strategy. So long as they maintained their vow of omerta.

    For example, there is the case of Luis Posada Carriles, alleged co-author of the bomb plot that brought down a Cuban airliner in 1976, killing all 73 persons aboard. Jailed in Venezuela, he bribed his way out of prison in 1985. Reliable sources say the cash came from individual CANF directors. Later, Mas Canosa discreetly arranged for Posada to work at the Ilopango air base in El Salvador at the height of the Iran-Contra affair.

    In an unprecedented interview with Ann Louise Bardach and Larry Rohter of the New York Times in 1998, Posada admitted that he still received financial support from the CANF. He also said he had orchestrated a series of bombings inside Cuba, one of which took the life of an Italian tourist.
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    Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 10:58 AM
    Response to Original message
    4. Thank god for this post!
    If there has been any doubt lurking within people who read these threads, this is a post to give you something to think about.

    Cuban tv is actually running parts of material shown in MIAMI with Cuban "exile" terrorists discussing their intention to commit further terrorism against BOTH Cuba and Venezuela.

    Hugo Chavez stated a couple of months ago that he had film of this, and it appeared no one in the States paid much attention, simply dismmissing it as the ravings of some "furriner" they know Bush hates.

    It's just as Chavez says, and it was shown in Miami, although it's illegal to do this.

    From the article:
    Adding weight to recent accusations of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, former Venezuelan army captain Eduardo Garcia was also present in full uniform to discuss the help Comandos F4 were giving in his efforts to bring down Chavez by force. Chavez has frequently charged that Miami Cuban-American terrorist organizations are involved with Venezuelans seeking to assassinate him.

    The host of the Round Table program, Randy Alonso, simply asked viewers to form their own conclusions after seeing such an astonishing program, commenting that the message that Frometa gave was clear: his paramilitary organization was ready and trained--it just needed the money. And, said Alonso, the money is there--$36 million recently earmarked by the US government to support such groups.
    At some point we should ask ourselves if this is the way we want our somewhat limited money to be spent. Do we REALLY want it to be spent on terrorism? Jesus.

    Thank you, Aidoneus. This really gets Saturday off to a roaring start, for some of us!

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    Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 12:32 PM
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    7. This article was also carried in Venezuela, intact
    They also are showing this photo:

    Cap. Luis Garcia, the first military officer to publicly rebel against President Chavez, poses for the camera at a trainning camp in Homestead, Florida. Garcia is a member of the Junta Patriotica Venezolana

    Hugo Chavez definitely wasn't making things up weeks, maybe months ago when he said they had evidence the Vene. "opposition" was training with Cuban "exile" paramilitaries in Florida.
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