Subject header shortened as the original is quite long.The Terror Hour
Miami TV Station Invites Terrorists to Talk Openly About Their Planned Attacks on Cuba and VenezuelaBy CounterPunch WireCuban television tonight broadcast remarkable segments of a one hour program on Miami TV Channel 41 in which known paramilitaries from the Florida based Comandos F4 organization openly spoke of their preparation for an armed attack against Cuba.
In moments of near-hysteria, the leader of Comandos F4, Rodolfo Frometa, said that his organization has people inside and outside Cuba ready to carry out armed acts against the Cuban government. Dressed in fatigues, as were the others of his organization present in the studio, Frometa said that his group trained with AK47 semi-automatic weapons--arms, he said, that were legally obtained in the United States although he admitted he had no paperwork to prove it.
The program was hosted by Oscar Asa, the nephew of former Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. Batista was responsible for the murder of thousands of Cubans until he was forced out by revolutionary forces in 1959. Asa seemed to enjoy posing provocative questions relating to assassination in what critics on Cuba's nightly televised Round Table classed as openly violating US federal law.
It is illegal in the US to defend terrorist actions on TV. The promotion of the assassination of another nation's leader is also illegal under the US Neutrality Act. Nonetheless, commented round table participants, these men were able to openly sit in a studio dressed for war and happily discuss the different armaments they were using to train paramilitaries to attack Cuba, and get away with it. There couldn't be better proof of the US government's complicity with such would-be terrorists.