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Young Christians debate message in new film, Saved!

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 12:51 PM
Original message
Young Christians debate message in new film, Saved!
Edited on Sat Jun-12-04 12:54 PM by Dover
Young Christians debate message in new film, Saved!

Jessica Cothran sees how people could get the wrong idea from the movie Saved!

She did. Almost. At least in the very beginning.

But the 16-year-old caught on -- after all, she knew a thing or two about satire from studying Jonathan Swift. She hopes other Christians see the comedy, too.

"If they close their mind after the first half of the movie, they won't get the point of the movie and they will go away being offended," she said.

There may be plenty to offend.

The film is set in a Christian high school, where some of the students seem like fires burning out of control for the Lord. The plot is set in motion by Mary who decides to save her gay boyfriend, Dean, by having sex with him. She winds up pregnant and as outcast as Dean, who is sent off to Mercy House, a rehab home for wayward teens. In the course of an hour and 30 minutes, characters lie, steal and smoke. They also throw Bibles, curse at God, attempt an exorcism, fake speaking in tongues and question their faith.

Ted Baehr, publisher of MovieGuide, a Christian film review service, considers the film a breeding ground for anti-Christian bigotry. The Christian characters are flat and stereotypical and mocked throughout the film, he said.

"If the same bigotry were exercised against Jews or Muslims, there would be tremendous uproar," Baehr said. ..cont'd

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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 12:53 PM
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