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WP: Plans to Change Health Corps Blasted

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Nambe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-11-03 10:58 PM
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WP: Plans to Change Health Corps Blasted
The Washington Post

Plans to make far-reaching changes to the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps could cause a mass exodus from the uniformed force of health professionals, the association of its officers and a leading Democrat said yesterday.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced last month that it wants to transform the corps. A draft policy detailing the changes has sparked alarms since it began circulating in the administration. The plans are intended to ensure that by the end of next year every member of the 5,500-person force could be immediately deployed in an emergency. Currently, 30 percent are considered ready to go on short notice.

Criticism that the changes could damage public health programs and agencies and would be unfair to corps personnel prompted Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), ranking member of the Committee on Government Reform, to ask Chairman Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.) yesterday to call a hearing on the proposal. Under the plans, officers would have to meet health and fitness standards and agree to leave home on short notice. -

But Waxman described the changes as "both unwise and unfair" in a letter to HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, saying many officers do essential work for federal agencies and would not need to be deployed on short notice.

"This draft policy would risk an exodus of highly trained doctors, engineers, nurses, scientists, pharmacists, dentists and veterinarians," Waxman wrote. -

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Mel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-11-03 11:26 PM
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1. If I was one of those
highly trained doctors, engineers, nurses, scientists, pharmacists, dentists and veterinarians I'd be outta there the first chance I got after hearing this plan! See ya!
If I had that kind of talent I wouldn't allow myself to be drafted under the orders of someone that I don't even consider to be the president. It was a Coup!

Also isn't Canada accepting people into their country that have these kind of credentials?

Once again we see who's leading the charge here. Go! Waxman kick some bums!
Donate to Waxman's campaign he's a keeper!
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