I remember watching the hearings (had a heck of a time find the transcripts, btw). Anyway, I distinctly remembered either Rummy or Meyers stating that they (Pentagon top) had sent in Miller because he had cleaned up and done some a faboo job at Gitmo. Here's the testimony:
http://www.4law.co.il/rum1.htm"SESSIONS: Yes, I'd just like to ask you a little bit about it because our time is short.
But as I see back in August of last year, you appointed an assessment team. Is that right? Long before this occurred.
MYERS: Right. As I said in my opening statement, I think we ought to have a lot of confidence in our military leadership, handling the detention situation in Iraq.
It was on 11 August that General Sanchez was worried about detention and interrogation ops, and that resulted in General Ryder going over there and submitting a report.
We, kind of, pushed General Miller on him in August of '03, to look -- because he was so successful in Guantanamo, look at our detention operations to make sure we're doing it right. And that we're also -- that it's well-connected, that the intel is getting to the analysts and so forth, so we can win this... I don't know about Karpinski being a scapegoat. I'm still holding judgement on her depth of culpability and knowledge. Her statements aren't beginning to wash with me. In one interview with claiming she had no idea she tried supporting the claim with the assertion that not even other soldiers eating and sleeping with the accused abusers knew what was going on. Now, we've come to learn that others
did know and complained about it...to no avail, but they did know and said something.