Americans, Iraqis Vie for Control of Security Forces
by Dahr Jamail
Tuesday, June 15
Baghdad - Even as authorities for the US-run occupation cede a greater share of security responsibilities to Iraqi forces, spokespeople for the Iraqi police and paramilitaries in many areas of the war-torn country say they lack the legitimacy and tools necessary to carry out their duties. With the transfer of official sovereignty to a US-sanctioned governing body just over two weeks away, officials with both the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps and the Iraqi Police complain they are understaffed, under-equipped and undermined by the US.
And where US control over indigenous security forces ends, it is becoming clearer that the authority of local resistance forces begins.

PHOTO: An Iraqi Police recruitment billboard in the Adhamiya neighborhood of Baghdad, a sign of the times. (Dahr Jamail/NewStandard)
Bassim Mahmoud Hamid, the Iraqi Police (IP) spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior, says the lack of autonomy from the US military has placed IP personnel in the precarious position of being closely linked to the occupation, rendering them unpopular with ordinary Iraqis and targets of the resistance. "We’ve lost more than 200 policemen in Baghdad in the last two months, and ten high ranking officers who have been assassinated," Hamid said during an interview in the Coalition conference center.
There are definite signs that the ICDC and Iraqi Police in the rebellious city of Fallujah are working independently of their US backers. But they appear less independent of the local resistance forces.
Hamid said he is frustrated by what he sees as Coalition forces usurping his authority. "We are arresting criminals, and the
military are coming and forcing us to release some of them, and this has caused many problems for us," Hamid said. "After June 30, I hope that we’ll be allowed to do the job we have been trained to do, without the interference of the Americans." Hamid noted that in a rush to free prisoners from Abu Ghraib and other facilities, the US is setting loose many people the police believe constitute an actual danger to Iraqi society.