Schwarzenegger paroles more lifers than predecessor
By MICHELLE MORGANTE, Associated Press
Last Updated 1:08 pm PDT Tuesday, June 15, 2004
SAN DIEGO (AP) - Adam Riojas waited 13 years for freedom before Arnold Schwarzenegger turned the key.
Convicted in 1991 of murder, the former real estate agent maintained his innocence and turned down offers of a plea bargain. Then in 2002, relatives told the state parole board that they had heard Riojas' estranged father, a drug smuggler, confess to the killing shortly before his own death. The board, with no objection from the prosecutors who put Riojas behind bars, decided he deserved parole.
Their recommendation was sent to Democratic Gov. Gray Davis, who, having publicly vowed to keep convicted murderers in prison for life, rejected it.
In fact, much more often: Davis rejected release for 286 lifers who had been recommended for parole by the state Board of Prison Terms. Of the 95 recommendations sent to Schwarzenegger as of June 2, he has reversed 58 and sent three back for further review.