As seen on The Raw Story, the liberal alternative to Drudge,
http://www.rawstory.comThe Secret Life of Newt Gingrich
Former speaker of the House by day, super reviewer by night.
by Katherine Mangu-Ward
NEWT GINGRICH has been leading a secret life. Night after night for years he's been slipping out of the headquarters of the vast right-wing conspiracy, wolfing down spy novels and then reviewing them for So prolific and proficient has he been at this pursuit that he has attained the coveted title Amazon Top 500 Reviewer. Newt is number 488.
To earn this honor, Gingrich wrote 137 reviews, which were deemed "helpful" by 2,002 people. "Newt Gingrich," we learn from his extensive About Me page, "is an avid reader. He does not review all of the books he reads. You will not find any bad reviews here, just the books he thinks you might enjoy." From the same page, we learn that in addition to being called an "exceptional leader" by Time magazine (which made him its Man of the Year in 1995), Newt Gingrich is "credited with the idea of a Homeland Security agency," "widely recognized for his commitment to a better system of health," and that he was the March of Dimes 1995 Georgia Citizen of the Year.
Certainly no one could fault Gingrich for less-than-full disclosure about himself. But you can also tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps.
Gingrich shares the rank of Amazon reviewer #488 with "boudica" who describes herself as "Witch and Editor of the and a free lance reviewer." She's also a "Craft teacher with the group" who has "recently published article in the Llewellyn Wicca Almanac."
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