Consumer Group Calls Energy Regulator's Response to Enron Tapes Appalling; FERC Chairman Twice Appointed by Bush at Ken Lay's Request
To: National Desk, Energy Reporter
Contact: Doug Heller of FTCR, 310-392-0522 ext. 309
SANTA MONICA, Calif., June 16 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) chastised Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Pat Wood, III for statements he has made regarding the recently revealed Enron tapes. After reviewing a letter from Chairman Wood to Senator Boxer, the California-based group expressed outrage at Wood's dismissive response to the lurid tapes of Enron employees describing their manipulation of the California energy market during that state's deregulation crisis.
FTCR is "appalled by your indifference to both already established facts surrounding Enron's gaming of California ratepayers and to the suffering of Californians due to market manipulation perpetrated by companies that you regulate," the group wrote in a letter sent to Wood today. The letter is available at his letter to Senator Boxer, Wood claimed that there was no relationship between market manipulation and $40 billion worth of excessively priced energy contracts signed by California at the height of the 2001 energy crisis. He stated "the Commission found no evidence that there was market manipulation SPECIFIC TO the long-term contract negotiations and no evidence of unfairness, bad faith or duress in the negotiations of the long-term contracts. (emphasis in original)"
FTCR points out that not only does this assertion ignore the extraordinary evidence provided by the Enron tapes, but it also directly contradicts his own agency's prior findings (in its March 26, 2003 "Final Report on Price Manipulation in Western Markets"). In that report, FERC found that the manipulated market prices directly impacted California's long-term contracts.
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FTCR wrote that Wood was more empathetic for the "discredited positions of Ken Lay" than of Californian. The group noted that Wood was first appointed to the Texas Public Utilities Commission by then-Governor Bush at the request of Enron's Chairman and CEO Ken Lay due to his strong support for energy deregulation. Ken Lay later urged President Bush to move Wood to FERC. rest of the news release is also interesting. Also, Californians can go to the FTCR site where they have put together citizen's committees to help fight in this cause.