"Germany freezes development of its employment portal
eGovernment News – 02 March 2004 – Germany – eServices for citizens
On 25 February 2004, the German Federal Labour Office (Arbeitsamt) announced it was freezing its job portal development plans due to skyrocketing costs. Although the original costs were evaluated at EUR 65 million, new estimates indicate the portal would cost EUR 165 million up to 2008.
Due to be one of the office's flagship projects, the new employment portal - Arbeitsagentur.de - suffered from a number of technical problems since it went online in December 2003. However, its freeze was brought about by a financial scandal, with the new head of the German Federal Labour Office Frank-Jürgen Weise denouncing an out-of-control budget and the public prosecutor investigating corruption suspicions. In this context, Mr Weise decided to fire the head of the Arbeitsagentur.de project.
The Labour Office has also said that, in any case, current technical problems should be fixed before any potential expansion of the portal’s services could be undertaken. The website, which was developed by Accenture, has been criticized for being slow, instable and failing to deliver requested information. On 27/02/2004, a press release by Accenture denied any corruption in the bidding procedure and stated that the second stage of the project was running according to schedule.
Although the Labour Office claims the project would cost EUR 100 million more than originally foreseen, certain press reports reported that Accenture said the additional costs would “only” represent EUR 48 million. Meanwhile, members of the parliamentary opposition have asked for the resignation of the top managers of the Labour Office, based on new revelations that the agency was aware of the cost explosion since August 2003. Certain Members of Parliament also asked the Federal Minister of Labour Wolfgang Clement to disclose the contract with Accenture before a parliamentary committee.
The portal was launched on 01/12/2003 to support the fulfilment of the government’s employment-related missions, which include connecting supply and demand on the training and job markets and promoting their transparency. The portal was supposed to be further developed in the coming years, with for instance an enhanced matching system to be implemented in May and a Service Centre for job intermediation and consultation to be launched in August 2004.
© European Communities 2004
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged."
http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ida/jsps/index.jsp?fuseAction=showDocument&documentID=2210&parent=chapter&preChapterID=140-194-308-578I did read in a German newspaper that most american federal government don't allow any more contracts with Accenture, 'cause their known for overbilling, corruption and not working correctly.
Hello from Germany,