Diebold, ES&S, and the Christian Reconstructionists
Chris Floyd connects some very frightening dots in the unfolding saga of black box voting.
Who's behind these private companies? It's hard to tell: the corporate lines--even the bloodlines--of these "competitors" are so intricately mixed. For example, at Diebold--whose corporate chief, Wally O'Dell, a top Bush fundraiser, has publicly committed himself to "delivering" his home state's votes to Bush next year--the election division is run by Bob Urosevich. Bob's brother, Todd, is a top executive at "rival" ES&S. The brothers were originally staked in the vote-count business by Howard Ahmanson, a member of the Council for National Policy, a right-wing "steering group" stacked with Bushist faithful.
Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind the "Christian Reconstructionist" movement, an extremist faction that openly advocates a theocratic takeover of American democracy, with the imposition of strict Christian dominion, placing "the state, the school, the arts and sciences, law, economics, and every other sphere under Christ the King." This "dominion" includes the death penalty for homosexuals, exclusion of citizenship for non-Christians, stoning of sinners and--we kid you not--slavery, "one of the most beneficent of Biblical laws." As the movement's leader--and Ahmanson's fellow CNP member--R.J. Rushdoony puts it: "The Christian should therefore not fear laws in support of Christian social goals just because they interfere with personal freedom."
edited to add link:
http://www.counterpunch.org/floyd09262003.html Handmaid's Tale=Christian Reconstructionists!
http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webdescrips/atw... ...The Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood) for AT LEAST 10 years now. Folks, you've GOT to read this novel! It's like reading Orwell's 1984 all over again.
Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy at Cornell University
The significance of the involvement of Christian Reconstructionists...
...is often overlooked or misinterpreted. It is primarily in the mindset of such "true believers" as described by Eric Hoffer in his classic book by the same name.
In short, they "believe" they have the only answer, and that having the "only answer" justifies any actions in bringing their "only answer" to come to pass. They believe they are fighting against the Devil and all tactics (one would have to assume that to include rigging elections to make sure "God's" candidate got elected despite Satan's attempt to delude the vast unenlightened voting public) are acceptable in a fight against the Devil.
In 10 years they have accomplished much
The seven highest ranking Republican Senators in the U.S. Senate
Bill Frist
Mitch McConnell
Rich Santorum
Bob Bennette
Kay Bailey Hutchingson
John Kyle
George Allen
Every one of them recieved a scorecard of 100% from Christian Coalition.
Is conventional wisdom ready to believe that the Religious Right could gain control over all three branches of the federal government?
How were people representing such an extreme ideological point of view elected to the top positions in the Republican Party?
Biblical law TRUMPS civil law!
"Is conventional wisdom ready to believe that the Religious Right could gain control over all three branches of the federal government?"
And now they have control over the top companies which manufacture the electronic "voting" machines which have been shoved down our throats in violation of election law. VERY SCARY INDEED, yet I've heard not a word about this in the corporate media. Considering that the "religious" right has the agreement of maybe 20% of the population and most of those would NOT agree with the reconstructionists I think we've got a VERY big problem.
... in Hoffer's book is that the true believers are never more dangerous than when they have _almost_ attained their goals.
It gets worse. Google "Sun Myung Moon" and "Council for National Policy"
Then Google "Bill McCartney" (of the Promisekeepers) and "Council for National Policy"
These people are all in it together, and their in-your-face involvement with Moon reveals that not a single one of them is a true Christian. But, in their insatiable lust for money and power, they've co-opted and corrupted Christianity.
And the vast majority of rank and file right-wing fundamentalists are too ignorant and too indoctrinated to understand that they're nothing more than wholly expendable pawns in Brzezinski's "Grand Chessboard."
Here's a list of past-present list of officers and prominent members. it is not a complete, or up to date list.
Jack Abramhoff
Howard Ahmanson, Jr.
Thomas R. Anderson
Dr. John F.Ankerberg
Hon. Richard K. Armey
Thomas K. Armstrong
Sen. William L. Armstrong
John M. Ashbrook
Edward G. Atsinger III
Carole Baker
Theodore Baehr
William B. Ball
David Balsiger
Hon. Gary Bauer
John Beckett
Ray Berryman
Morton Blackwell
Thomas A. Bolan
Pat Boone
Richard Bott
Dr. James Bowers
Lynn Francis Bouchey
David W. Breese
Dr. William Rohl Bright
Floyd Brown
Sam Brunelli
Larry Burkett
John Commuta
Robert Cone
Peter Cook
Holland (Holly) Coors
Jeffrey Coors
Joseph Coors
Mary C. Crowley
Beverly Danielson
Sen. William Dannemeyer
Karen Davis
Cullen Davis
Arnaud deBorchgrave
Richard DeVos
Rich DeVos
Dick Dingham
Dr. James Dobson
John T. (Terry) Dolan
Arthur M. Dula
Ann Drexel
Pierre du Pont
John East
Thomas F. Ellis
Stuart Epperson
Dr. Jerry Falwell
Joseph F. Farah
Michael P. Farris
Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr
Father Charles Fiore
Foster Friess
Willard Garvey
Peter B. Gemma
George F. Gilder
Dr. Duane Gish
Ronald P. Godwin
Alan Gottlieb
Robbie Gowdey
J. Peter Grace
Lt. General Daniel O. Graham
Robert Grant
Anthony Harrigan
Preston Hawkins
Jesse Helms
Thomas Hess
Rev. E.V. Hill
Jimmy Hill
Joe Hilyard
Roland Hinz
Hon. Donald P. Hodel
Rev. Melvin Hodges
Robert Holding
George Holland
John Holt
Donald R. Howard, Ph.D.
Dr. John A. Howard
Max Hugel
Herbert William Hunt
Mary Reilly Hunt
Nelson Bunker Hunt
Reed Irvine
Hon. Ernest J. Istook, Jr.
Lorena Jaeb
Kay Cole James
Gary Jarmin
Louis (Woody) Jenkins
Terry J. Jeffers
Dr. Mildred Faye Jefferson
Bob Jones III
James F. Justiss
Rep. Jack Kemp (R-NY)
Dr. D. James Kennedy
Alan Keyes
Brig. General Albion W. Knight
Dr. Robert H. Krieble
Beverly LaHaye
Dr. Timothy LaHaye
Reed Larson
Dr. Ernest Lefever
John Lenczowski
Earl Little
John Lofton
Ed Lozick
Marlin Maddoux
Marion (Mac) Magruder
Peter Marshall, Jr.
Connaught (Connie) Marshner
James Mather
Pat Matrisciana
Donald S. McAlvany
Ed McAteer
Norm McClelland
James McClure
Jim McCotter
Larry P. McDonald
Hon. Edwin Meese III
Major F. Andy Messing, Jr.
Chuck Missler
Barbara Monteith
Dr. Stanley Monteith
Dr. Raymond Moore
Sam Moore
Dr. Henry M. Morris
Don Nickles
Grover Norquist
Dr. Gary North
Lt. Col. Oliver North
Dr. Paige Patterson
Robert J. Perry
Howard Phillips
William M. Polk
Lawrence D. "Larry" Pratt
Judge Paul Pressler
Jim Price
Ed Prince
Elsa Prince
Dr. Charles E. Rice
H.L. "Bill" Richardson
Rich Riddle
Dr. "M.G." Pat Robertson
James Robinson
Kathleen Teague Rothschild
Howard J. Ruff
Rev. R. J. Rushdoony
William Rusher
Phyllis Schlafly
Lynda Scribante
Ron Seeley
Jay Sekulow
Hans Sennholz
Beurt SerVaas
Frank Shakespeare
Richard Shoff
Major General John K. Singlaub
Dr. W. Cleon Skousen
Mark Skousen
Baker Armstrong Smith
Dr. Lowell Smith
Jim R. Smith
Gerry Snyder
LaNeil Spivy
Scott Stanley, Jr.
Robert Waring Stoddard
John A. Stormer
Lt. General Gordon Sumner
Gaylord K. Swim
John H. Sununu
Dr. Lewis Tambs
The Hon. Helen Marie Taylor
Stacy Taylor
Dr. Edward Teller
Sherman E. Unkefer
Mike Valerio
Guy Vander Jagt
Richard Viguerie
Christine de Vollmer
Craig Welch
Paul Weyrich
James Whelan
John W. Whitehead
Rev. Donald Wildmon
Dr. John Wilke
Lt. General Gordon Sumner - CNP Membership Roster (1984-85; 1988; 1996; 1998)
A special assistant to the Secretary of State for Latin American affairs. Council for Inter-American Security (CIS) director and advisor; Sumner was also a board member of the International Security Council (ISC), described by Herman and O'Sullivan as the "main U.S. agency of the Moon system in the field of terrorism propaganda." An international conference organized by ISC and CAUSA was held in January 1986 in Tel Aviv; speakers included Bo Hi Pak and Arnaud de Borchgrave, the publisher of the Washington Times... The Denver-based, North-South Institute (NSI) is a non-profit arm of the Council for Inter-American Security. NSI vice president and director, Lt. General Gordon Sumner, also a CIS director as we have seen, is an officer of USBC and NSI.
http://watch.pair.com/database2.html#sumner About.com's information about Christian Reconstructionism:
We best know about this stuff! Please read!
Its most common form, Theonomic Reconstructionism, represents one of the most extreme forms of Fundamentalist Christianity thought. The followers are attempting to peacefully convert the laws of United States so that they match those in the Hebrew Scriptures. They intend to achieve this by using the freedom of religion in the US to train a generation of children in private Christian religious schools. Later, their graduates will be charged with the responsibility of creating a new Bible-based political, religious and social order. One of the first tasks of this order will be to eliminate religious freedom. Their eventual goal is to achieve the "Kingdom of God" in which much of the world is converted to Christianity. They feel that the power of God's word will bring about this conversion. No armed force or insurrection will be needed; in fact, they believe that there will be little opposition to their plan. People will willingly accept it if it is properly presented to them.
All religions other than Christianity would be suppressed. Nonconforming Evangelical, main line and liberal Christian institutions would no longer be allowed to function. Society would revert to the laws and punishments of the Hebrew Scriptures. Any person who advocated or practiced other religious beliefs would be tried for idolatry and exterminated. Blasphemy, adultery and homosexual behavior would be criminalized; those found guilty would be executed. To our knowledge, this is the only religious movement in North America in which many of its members advocate genocide for followers of minority religions. Ralph Reed, the executive director of the conservative public policy group the Christian Coalition has criticized Reconstructionism as "an authoritarian ideology that threatens the most basic civil liberties of a free and democratic society."
If they gained control of the US or Canadian federal government, there would be many changes:
the use of the death penalty would be greatly expanded, when the Hebrew Scriptures' laws are reapplied. People will be executed for adultery, blasphemy, heresy, homosexual behavior, idolatry, prostitution, evil sorcery (some translations say Witchcraft), etc. Presumably that would be done by stoning people to death or burning them alive, as the Bible requires.
Remember bush's CNP campaign speech that no one was allowed to hear?
The Institute for First Amendement Studies' "Freedom Writer" tried to acquire the tape of bush's speech to a CNP conference, given in late 1999. The company that records CNP proceedings sent the IFAS every tape from the conference EXCEPT for the one containing bush's speech, citing orders from the bush campaign to exclude it.
That whole episode stank to high heaven, back then, and it still stinks, today.
Here's a link to a copy of the original story by Freedom Writer (warning: this is a popup-intense site):
http://victorian.fortunecity.com/brambles/499/Bush/W_Hiding/w_hiding.h... And here's what ABC had to say about the Council for National Policy, back in May of 2001:
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/DailyNews/council_020501.html Israel Neocons, Christian Reconstructionists, Tim Lahaye and his insane followers, are all in this together..and no one in the blackout whore media discusses this INSANE US foreign policy based on this delusionary drivel
http://www.iraqwar.org/Armageddonupdates.htm Let's not forget the Christian apocalypse movement, who believe in strengthening Israel as a means of bringing about the apocalypse and rapture. These guys are the glue between the Christian reconstructionists and the Likud backers.
From the Guardian's Paul Krugman interview (from Truthout.org):
"The first three pages of Kissinger's book sent chills down my spine," Krugman writes of A World Restored, the 1957 tome by the man who would later become the unacceptable face of cynical realpolitik. Kissinger, using Napoleon as a case study - but also, Krugman believes, implicitly addressing the rise of fascism in the 1930s - describes what happens when a stable political system is confronted with a "revolutionary power": a radical group that rejects the legitimacy of the system itself.
This, Krugman believes, is precisely the situation in the U.S. today (though he is at pains to point out that he isn't comparing Bush to Hitler in moral terms). The "revolutionary power", in Kissinger's theory, rejects fundamental elements of the system it seeks to control, arguing that they are wrong in principle. For the Bush administration, according to Krugman, that includes social security; the idea of pursuing foreign policy through international institutions; and perhaps even the basic notion that political legitimacy comes from democratic elections - as opposed to, say, from God.
But worse still, Kissinger continued, nobody can quite bring themselves to believe that the revolutionary power really means to do what it claims. "Lulled by a period of stability which had seemed permanent," he wrote, "they find it nearly impossible to take at face value the assertion of the revolutionary power that it means to smash the existing framework." Exactly, says Krugman, who recallss the response to his column about Tom DeLay, the anti-evolutionist Republican leader of the House of Representatives, who claimed, bafflingly, that "nothing is more important in the face of a war than cutting taxes".
"My liberal friends said, 'I'm not interested in what some crazy guy in Congress has to say'," Krugman recalls. "But this is not some crazy guy! This guy runs Congress! There's this fundamental unwillingness to acknowledge the radicalism of the threat we're facing." But those who point out what is happening, Kissinger had already noted long ago, "are considered alarmists; those who counsel adaptation to circumstance are considered balanced and sane." ("Those who take the hard-line rightists now in power at their word are usually accused of being 'shrill', of going over the top," Krugman writes, and he has become well used to such accusations.)