Bush. Don't ask me how... a little subscription birdie dropped it in my mailbox. ;-)
He is also important to John Kerry since a Venezuelan is currently head of OPEC and may be able to counteract any pro-Bush moves by any fishy Princes.
Chavez is not fighting this war with guns though; yet! Let us all hope that doesn't happen, but it is looking more and more likely all the time.
The Final Answer Will Be Given by the Tanks
June 19 - Justin Podur
http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=45&ItemID=5742A few months ago, the commander of the Venezuelan Army, Raul Baduel, described something that worried him (1). Colombia had just purchased 46 AMX-30 battle tanks from Spain. The media claimed the tanks were to fight drug trafficking, but that hardly seemed plausible. Baduel suspected that the tanks were going to end up on the Venezuelan border.
This deployment was blandly reported in El Tiempo, Colombia's national newspaper, yesterday (2). The 46 tanks will be part of a new Brigade, especially created, to 'patrol the border'. Four battalions and a Special Forces group form this new Brigade. The tanks are supposed to arrive in (and watch the timing carefully, for we will revisit it) August.
The El Tiempo article refers to the need for the tanks in order to "defend Colombia" from an "eventual incursion from Venezuela". The Brigade is also charged with the defense of the Wayuu indigenous people, who have been victims of massacres by "illegal armed groups". Thus, the indigenous can rest secure under the protection of the very army that is killing them directly or working with the paramilitaries ("illegal armed groups" who happen to work with the army) who are killing them.
To be fair, between his (President of Colombia) privatizations, his labor 'reforms', and his assault on unionists, the public sector, and the poor in Colombia, no one could accuse Uribe of 'pandering to the poor'. Only of military aggression, paramilitary murder, anti-democratic political manipulation, and economic plunder - none of which are crimes, so long as they are done in the service of the right interests.
Colombian military sets up new brigade 10 miles from Venezuelan border
June 20
http://vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=2166221 paramilitaries captured along the Venezuelan border with Colombia
June 20
http://vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=21670Fierce battle between the Venezuelan Army and Colombian paramilitaries
June 18