Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia, 28, of Miami Beach, Fla., was convicted in a military court at Fort Stewart, Ga., of desertion May 21 after he failed to return to his Florida National Guard unit following a two-week leave in October.
Now he's asking a military hearings officer to recommend that he be considered a conscientious objector to the war in Iraq. Human rights group Amnesty International has already declared Mejia a "prisoner of conscience," said his attorney, Louis Font.
Mejia, who served 5 1/2 months near the Sunni Triangle, said the horrors of war made him a conscientious objector.
"I've been practicing military law for about three decades and I've never seen anything like this," Font said. "The Pentagon usually gives someone a hearing on their conscientious objector status before convicting them. They moved full steam ahead to convict him after his application."