June 22, 2004
Dear Secretary Powell:
As part of the faith community of the United States, we are deeply concerned
over the newly announced actions of the U.S. Administration aimed at
hastening the transition of government in Cuba. These measures delay once
more any official dialogue between the U.S. and Cuban Governments, further
restrict interaction between Americans and Cubans, and further limit contact
among Cubans and Cuban exiles.
On the 6th of May, President George Bush accepted the recommendations from
the report of the "Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba," a group created
by the Administration under your chairmanship. Basically it would appear
that the Commission seeks to strengthen the failed policies of the past forty
years. This is done through:
* A cut in family visits from one per year to one every three years
* Restrictions on remittances to family members
* A virtual end to educational travel
* Increased U.S. enforcement of existing travel restrictions, including more
prosecutions of presumed transgressors
* Increased aid to dissidents in Cuba* Illegal radio and television broadcasts from a U.S. C-130 military aircraft
flying close to Cuban airspace
The Bush Administration claims that these measures will empower Cuban civil
society and deny resources to the "Cuban dictatorship." We feel that they
will actually deny much-needed assistance to the Cuban people, weaken Cuban
civil society organizations, and lead to an increase of tension between the
U.S. and Cuba. In fact, the announcement of these measures has already
increased fear in Cuba of a possible U.S. military intervention.
Churches in the U.S., as well as other faith-based organizations, have been
working with the people of Cuba for many years, supporting education programs
as well as work with the most vulnerable sectors of Cuban society. We have
seen an increased openness in Cuban society as the result of this kind of
cooperation, along with the ongoing interchange that results from groups of
U.S. citizens visiting Cuba on educational and humanitarian missions. This
supports the view, which we share, that increased engagement leads to change,
reform, and the opening of society.
As we have opposed the economic embargo against Cuba for many years on
humanitarian as well as moral grounds, we must oppose these new measures. In
addition, we have received a call from the Cuban Pastoral Forum, an ad hoc
group made up of more than 200 pastors and priests in Cuba, asking the
churches of the U.S. to seek to reverse these measures.
Along with the World Council of Churches, we are participating in the Decade
to Overcome Violence. At a time when there is an increase of military
activity around the world, with untold suffering and loss of life as a
result, we must do all we can to reduce tensions, not increase them.
Therefore, we call on the Administration to reconsider these measures and not
only lift them, but lift the embargo and, as Congress has voted for the past
several years, lift all travel restrictions to Cuba.
We must do all we can to increase dialogue, not stifle it.
Robert W. Edgar, General Secretary
National Council of Churches
475 Riverside Dr, New York
New York 10115-0050
www.ncccusa.org; news@ncccusa.org
Media Contact: 212-870-2252