The general who pushed for more aggressive interrogation tactics at Iraq (news - web sites)'s Abu Ghraib prison predicted better intelligence within a month if his strategies were adopted, according to a copy of his classified plan obtained by USA TODAY.
In the plan, sent in early September to top military officials in Iraq, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller promised that "a significant improvement in actionable intelligence will be realized within 30 days." His strategy involved having military police acting as prison guards "setting the conditions to exploit internees to respond to questions."
The recommendations in Miller's 12-page report were based on the interrogation operation he supervised at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where suspected members of al-Qaeda are held. The report lists a roster of the 17-person team culled entirely from the Guantanamo operation. The team spent 10 days at Abu Ghraib with Miller in late summer, before he submitted the plan. Several interrogation teams from Guantanamo subsequently trained those at Abu Ghraib.
Miller's plan was not among documents released Tuesday by the White House. Rather, it is part of the classified section of the report prepared by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, who conducted the Army's internal investigation into abuses at Abu Ghraib. Miller, who was not interviewed in that investigation, was subsequently put in charge of all detention and interrogation operations in Iraq.