Jun 23, 2004 United Nations
The United States has withdrawn a controversial U.N. resolution that would have extended U.S. peacekeepers' immunity from international prosecution for war crimes. The measure was facing certain defeat.
Deputy U.S. Ambassador James Cunningham emerged from a closed-door Security Council meeting to say he was withdrawing a request for a continued U.S. exemption at the International Criminal Court.
"We believe our draft and its predecessors fairly meet the concerns of all. Not all council members agree, however, and the United States has decided not to proceed further with consideration and action on the draft at this time in order to avoid a prolonged and divisive debate."
The U.S. request for immunity for its peacekeepers had been adopted by large margins the past two years. But this time Council members said attitudes had shifted because of international outrage at the abuse of detainees at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.
Ambassador Cunningham suggested the resolution's failure might lead to closer U.S. scrutiny of its support for peacekeeping operations. The United States is the largest contributor to the U.N. peacekeeping missions that operate in 16 countries.
http://www.politinfo.com/articles/article_2004_06_23_5025.htmlThis news hit the German press about fifteen minutes ago. Wonder if it will ever be reported in what passes for US free press.