Salon: Why was James R Bath's name redacted from Bush Mil records?
http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/04/27/james_bath /
The document that raises that question is dated Sept. 29, 1972, and notes that 1st Lt. George W. Bush was suspended from flying because of his "failure to accomplish annual medical examination." Since he had just received hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of training as a jet fighter pilot, the fact that Bush let his medical certification lapse raises a troubling matter. Why did he allow himself to become ineligible to fly when he still had two years of service left? Given that random drug testing by the military had just started, some have suggested that Bush had not yet given up his partying ways and may have begged off because he had a substance abuse problem.
The records released by the White House last month fail to answer that question, but they do add one compelling fact to the story -- namely, that Bush was not the only man in his unit to be suspended for failing to take the physical, and that someone else at Ellington Air Force Base in Houston was suspended for exactly the same reason at almost the same time. However, in the documents, the second man's name was inexplicably redacted -- raising new questions.
Throughout the reams of documents released by the administration, standard practice was to allow each National Guardsman's name to be printed in full. Why did the White House make an exception in this case? Why would the Bush administration want to make sure this name in particular did not make it into the public eye?
http://sugarinthegourd.com/redacted.html truthspeaker
So is James R Bath still alive?
If so, where is he, and how can he be contacted?
Get the Truth at www.truthspeaker.org
James R. Bath is Bush's longtime partner in crimes and coverups.
He was involved in Bush's illegal abortion coverup and in Bush's BCCI dealings on Harken where he made his first big chunk of money off the Harken deal through James Bath and the Bin Laden family.
Bath is a hush man and fixer for Bush. Has been for over 30 years. Kinda like a James Baker but operates in the shadows.
I have long said to get to the truth about Bush, the media needs to trace the documents on James Bath. If those, too, are missing then they'll have a SUPER SCANDAL on their hands.
Our focus should be Bush, Bath and Bin Laden....BCCI connects them.
in Unger's article is Bush Sr. rewarded Bath, after the AWOL incident, with a CIA appointment early on and masterminded the interaction and associations between Bath and the Bin Laden family. He also used Bath as cover to funnel money into Baby's failing oil venture Arbusto...
James R Bath =BCCI
He also wrote a check for that abortion. I think.
I"m not sure I remember this right but I'll try.
I think, it was in 1972 and she was 15. Those two things are important because she was a minor and abortions weren't legal till 73. Bush got her pregnant and Bath wrote a check for the abortion. Bush and Bath were together alot in 72. Anyway Larry Flynt is suppose to have an article out on this story this summer. I guess we have to wait to see want he does. He says he's got it locked up. Her girlfriend broke the story but she won't talk. She's married to an FBI agent now. That's all I know.
Good James R Bath thread...
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic... If you are looking for info on Bath, this is the spot (thanks to everyone who provided stuff, esp. DemoTex, Stephanie, Octafish, buycitgo).
Bath's ties to Houston real estate/S&L scandals/Iran-Contra
After leaving the National Guard, Bath was introduced into Houston business circles by Jack Trotter (a business partner of Houston real estate developer and Bush crony Walt Mischer.) Bath then became a partner in various real estate deals with Lan Bentsen (son of Senator Lloyd Bentsen, who was also a close friend of Mischer's.)
These three names -- Trotter, Mischer, and Bentsen -- show up over and over in accounts of Houston business dealings. Googling them in various combinations leads in a number of interesting directions. (For example, in the late 90's, Trotter and Mischer were working together to destroy the progressive income tax.)
A resume of Bath's from this period includes as references both Trotter and Sidney A. Adger. Adger, a Houston businessman and friend of Bush Sr.'s, was the man who pulled the strings that got Bush Jr. into the Air National Guard.
Another figure of interest is Robert Corson, who was the business partner of one of Adger's sons and was also Walt Mischer's son-in-law. Corson was eventually indicted in the savings-and-loan scandals and died of a supposed drug overdose in 1992 while on his way to Houston to testify. It has been claimed that he was involved in CIA drug smuggling and money laundering and had inside knowledge of Iran-Contra which he was about to reveal.
It seems as though Bath's CIA and Saudi connections were part of a larger picture involving all these other factors as well. Although Bath himself is a mysterious and shadowy figure, people like Trotter and Mischer are far better documented, and their doings may shed light on just what is so problematic about Bath.
http://www.webcom.com/~pinknoiz/covert/brewton.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/campaigns/wh2000/stories... http://www.krigskronikan.com/arkiv/bcci/Time%20Magazine%20-%20b28%20-%... http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0208/S00148.htm http://sanderhicks.com/billwhite.html http://mediameyhem.blogspot.com/2004_01_25_mediameyhem_archive.html (This last has a Trotter/Mischer/Bentsen story just below the Bath info.)
And for Trotter and Mischer's latest doings:
http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/stories/1997/01/20/story8.html http://www.chron.com/content/chronicle/page1/98/04/06/salestax.html http://www.tucsonweekly.com/tw/2000-07-27/curr.html Minstrel Boy
It's been staring you in the face all along, America.
Bush, Bath, BCCI and bin Laden.
You've ignored it at your peril. The time's getting short. Start connecting the dots, while you can.