I hate that bitch. ANAHEIM — For people who followed Howard Dean's quest for the Democratic nomination this primary season, the past week on the campaign trail with Senator John Kerry has been déja vu all over again.
The strange sensation started in San Francisco Wednesday morning, when Mr. Kerry, who beat Dr. Dean and eight others to secure his party's unofficial nod, headlined a huge convention of the Service Employees International Union. The union, with 1.6 million members, gave Dr. Dean a major boost with its surprise endorsement in November. He wore their trademark purple jacket, his moniker sewn over the breast, at rallies in Iowa, New Hampshire and Wisconsin. <snip>
The fawning video tribute to Mr. Kerry that Mr. McEntee's union put together even ended with the words "Take Back America" — Dr. Dean's signature theme — flashed on the screen.
Stay tuned, Deaniacs. Tonight in New York, the good doctor himself is on the bill with Mr. Kerry for a gay and lesbian community fundraiser at the Waldorf Astoria.http://www.nytimes.com/pages/politics/trail/index.html