$20m 'hole' in Iraqi funds held by US-led authority
By Kim Sengupta
28 June 2004
The US-controlled administration in Baghdad has failed to account for more than £20m of the country's money as it hands over power to an Iraqi government, a report says. The money - oil revenues and international funds frozen during Saddam Hussein's regime - had passed into the coffers of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) before disappearing, according to the report.
Although a belated audit is being done, its results, expected to be critical of the CPA, are not due until the middle of July, two weeks after the organisation ceases to exist. The $18.5bn in aid authorised by the US Congress is the subject of no less than four separate audits.
The report, by the charity Christian Aid, accused Washington of breaching the United Nations resolution which handed the Iraqi funds to the CPA. Resolution 1483 of May 2003 stated that the spending of the money, by the CPA-controlled Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), should be independently audited. But an auditor was not appointed until April this year, so the result cannot come out until after the handover.
Diplomatic sources said the audit showed that vast sums have been lost due to incompetence, theft and corruption. Huge contracts were given out to Western - overwhelmingly American - companies, some charging almost 10 times the price of local ones. Iraqi companies began to receive contracts only two months ago, and then only for projects of less than $500,000.