TAMPA - Attorney General John Ashcroft comes to Tampa today to meet with the local Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council, involving officials from local, state and federal law enforcement.
Although the meeting at the Tampa Port Authority is expected to be private, Ashcroft is scheduled to hold a news conference afterward at 2:30 p.m. for members of the press with credentials.
http://news.tbo.com/news/MGB9SP4J1WD.htmlfrom GD
LittleApple81 (1000+ posts) Tue Jun-29-04 10:09 AM
Original message
SIBEL EDMONDS: Will she FINALLY not be a LONE voice in the Wilderness?
Edited on Tue Jun-29-04 10:15 AM by LittleApple81
Ashcroft faces whistleblower secrets probe
By Shaun Waterman
UPI Homeland and National Security Editor (my note: do you notice the Homeland crap!!!! I hate that Nazi-like term)
Published 6/27/2004 10:10 PM
WASHINGTON, June 27 (UPI) -- The federal government's secrecy watchdog is conducting an inquiry into whether Attorney General John Ashcroft acted properly in classifying information relating to a lawsuit brought by a whistleblower from the FBI's translation unit.
The translation issue goes to the heart of the pre-Sept. 11 failure of the FBI and the intelligence community in general to catch the attackers and stop the plot that killed nearly 3,000 people.
Secrecy experts say the affair appears to be part of a pattern of behavior by the Bush administration: the abuse of classification procedures to stifle public debate about politically sensitive aspects of the war against terrorism.
At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing June 8, Ashcroft told lawmakers that he had personally signed off the classification decision, which he justified on national-security grounds.
"If there is spilled milk and there is no damage done," he said, "if you can recollect it and put it back in the jar, you're better off than saying, 'Well, it's spilled, no damage has been done, we might as well wait until damage is done.'"
a lot more at link - Interesting (we at DU know most of this, but it is nice to see it all in one article)