Thursday August 14th, 2003
President dips a toe into California fracas
SAN FRANCISCO - When President Bush arrives in California today for a two-day fund-raising swing, he will be walking into a political firestorm surrounding the election to recall Gov. Gray Davis.
At his Texas ranch Wednesday, Bush called the chaotic campaign in the nation’s most populous state ‘‘a fascinating bit of political drama,’’ but gave no indication that he intends to wade into the matter on behalf of any candidate. He even appeared irritated at a reporter’s suggestion the recall campaign was ‘‘the biggest political story in the country.’’
‘‘Isn’t there, like, a presidential race coming up?’’ he said.
So while Bush and his top political adviser, Karl Rove, profess to be little more than curious onlookers to an unpredictable spectacle, Democrats insist the recall has been at least partly orchestrated by the White House - an illegitimate power grab, they say, in a state Bush lost by 1.3 million votes in 2000. (snip/...)