other cities I suppose, isn't seeing that people are taken care of on life support or that we get people out of elevators or any number of top priority things. Oh, no. Our priority has to be protecting people from having their stores looted and vandalized when it gets dark tonight.
Even in an emergency situation, like our ice storms up here when we lose power, it can never be said that the whole community pulled together. Our law enforcement has to go out in force to see that people don't pilfer and end up killing one another while on a rampage. Why? Are people already idiots when they do this or does something come over them? It leads me to believe that there will always be a segment of the population who aren't really "living" here. They don't participate in life in this country. They don't vote, don't care about their future in any way, they think the biggest thing in life is drinking until passed out or scoring drugs. Without knowing, I'd guess these are the same people who waste their money on lotto tickets, watch Jerry Springer and buy the tabloids. Am I cynical? I have to say yes.
I worked for Social Services for too many years. This isn't a race thing. No, it is an ignorant thing. In the county where I worked ninety percent of our clients were rural white people. There is a whole section of our population who live day to day, from hand to mouth and don't care one iota about anyone but themselves. Not everyone on assistance is like that. There is, however, that portion of our population who, if we lived in a different country, would be locked away for their own and other people's good.
When I hear about people in Europe being killed at their soccer games or people here rioting after their team wins or if it loses, I sit here with a dismayed look on my face. What happens in life that causes people to be numb to living amongst other people? What about people like those who write hate mail to this site. I just noticed that link and went there to read an example. There's no end to it but at least we can choose enlightenment; we can choose to use common sense in life's emergency situations. It would appear that people by themselves might opt to do the right thing but people in a group can be led if they aren't strong enough to resist doing wrong.