American City Business Journals Inc.Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) says she doesn't believe in recalls - not in California, nor in Washington. So even though she is anxious to see a Democrat in the White House, the former first lady says it shouldn't happen until President Bush's first term has concluded
"We're just going to have to wait until noon on Jan. 20, 2005," she said while in Buffalo Friday afternoon. "But we should not wait one minute longer."
Such were the pro-Democrat, anti-Bush sentiments that Clinton shared with a ballroom of 1,000 young activists inside the Hyatt Regency Buffalo.
Clinton criticized Bush's tax cuts, reductions to Clinton-supported programs such as Americorps and Head Start, and a low rate of job creation.
"We are heading into an uncertain future because this is the most radical, reactionary administration we've ever had in Washington," she said. ---