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Incident Shines Light on Stalled Energy Upgrade

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FubarFly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 09:30 AM
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Incident Shines Light on Stalled Energy Upgrade

The massive power failure that struck the Northeast and parts of the Midwest this week also delivered a jolt to Congress, where energy legislation has been stalled amid deep regional differences over how best to upgrade the nation's aging electric power transmission system.

Administration officials and Republican lobbyists said yesterday they believed the power outage, experienced in a large part of the country and watched on television in the rest of the country, make it more likely that the energy bill logjam will be broken when Congress returns after Labor Day.

"Nothing shines light on an issue like a blackout," said Ron Eidshaug, a lobbyist for the U.S. Chamber of Congress who has worked on the energy legislation.


Bush had made comprehensive energy legislation a key priority at the beginning of his administration. But attempts to pass a package of energy measures -- including tax incentives for oil and gas drilling, support for nuclear power and provisions for the electricity grid -- have been stymied by partisan divisions in Congress


So can we officially blame Dick Cheney yet?

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aquart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 09:35 AM
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1. I want NO Bush energy legislation.
My God, what will that Son of Satan do next?

This is going to be something else rammed thru without reading.

I'm beginning to suspect no one in Congress CAN read.
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RC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 09:40 AM
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2. Read that last paragraph
It is saying they are blaming the power blackout on not being able to rape the environment for its riches, 'cause the mean old unreasonable democrats stopped them.
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