The latest purported audiotape from al Qaeda urges Muslims to fight American troops in Iraq, as U.S. commanders worried that suspected attacks over the weekend signaled a new front in insurgents' campaign.
The supposed al Qaeda tape was obtained by the al-Arabiya televisition station. It featured the voice of a man claiming to be the terror groups' spokesman in Afghanistan, Abu Abdel Rahman al-Najdi.
"Mujahedeen in Iraq the entire world watched the fall of the Iraqi regime. Today it is watching your resistance to the Americans, the British and their agents," he said, according to a translation by Agence France- Presse. It then call on Iraqis to "pursue their resistance" and follow the example of al Qaeda in Afghanistan, where the tape claimed 1,200 U.S. and allied troops were killed. might just be me being a goofball or Al Qaeda not being what they are played up to be. Anyway, why don't they list their demands on each tape? Isn't that what terrorists always do? They list the demands and the reason for their terror. It might be I'm too busy to dig into the details? But it surely doesn't say in most major American news sources what these guys want. May be I've just seen too many movies where this is the first question the FBI, CIA, Military and Press asks so I'm brainwashed.