Heading towards Scranton PA. I was going just over the speed limit, with the general flow of the traffic, driving a Rider Truck for a band I was working for. In my rear view mirror, I saw a blue Ford Crown Victoria coming up behind me at a very high rate of speed. I got into the right lane. As the Ford passed, still blistering the pavement, I looked over. Two people were in the car. In the back seat was my family's old dry cleaner and, at that time, Speaker of The New Jersey Assembly, Chuck Haytaian. Onward they ran, leaving an asphalt roostertail 30 feet high behind them.
Nope: No special applications of the traffic laws for them. No sirree.
Another time, I was checking licenses at the door of the bar where I was bouncing. A young lady came in and I was checking her license. She had obviously been drinking somewhere else. Not drunk, but certainly had enough to set any cop on point. As I checked her license, I noticed she had the same last name as a local police chief. I asked her if she was his daughter. She said yes. She also reported that she had been stopped on the way to the bar and had been let go, without missing a beat, when her identity was discovered. She said that it happened all the time, as was her right as the daughter of a police chief and that her other siblings, and the siblings of other police personel also enjoyed such a perk.
A few months later, her luck ran out: She rolled her car multiple times. Luckily, she was not hurt. But I know how she rolled it.
There are two sets of laws: Laws for them and laws for us. Know it.