but the simple facts are that Bush ,while spouting about his commitment to education as symbolised by his "No Child Left Behind, gutted the bill by defunding it, outraging Ted Kennedy who was suckered by Bush, and no one cares.....well noone but you and I apparently.
There exists a longish list of Bush lies, distortions, criminal negligence, violations of the letter and the spirit of the laws of this land, yet we here nothing from the democrats at all.......wonder why? If the public appears to be so solidly behind this reprehensible administration perhaps it is because the democratic leadership has left them no rallying point........wonder why? When Nader accurately blasts the democrats for this he is branded as a GOP agent or self serving egomaniac, this despite a record of public service that shames us all here....wonder why?
I still have faith in my fellow americans, thought the vichy dmeocrats who insist that they have all moved to the right of Atilla do not....wonder why? I believe that most folks are far too busy with work, kids, the lawn and all to spend a lot of time on their duty to democracy, this is a pity but it is human nature after all.These folks depend upon their elected politicos to let them know what the issues are and what is best for them, I do not apporve but I believe this is the case. This is why I decry the complicity through inaction that our leadership of the democratic party has shown, this is why i see this as such a betrayal.
This is also why I have chosen to work for the ascendancy of a third party force in this nation to assume the mantle of opposition that was once the obligation and the duty of the democratic party!