Vets Upset Over Medical Care Funding
United Press International
August 23, 2003
WASHINGTON - Groups representing the nation's military veterans say they are "howling mad" that the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives backpedaled on a promise to approve $1.8 billion for healthcare funding and caused substantial delays in service personnel receiving medical treatment.
"We have a situation. The demand (for treatment) has grown enormously and the funding has not kept up for it, and as a result you have the rules being changed and people not being able to get into the system," said Richard Fuller, national legislative director for the Paralyzed Veterans of America.
Fuller and other veterans advocacy groups say some 135,000 veterans and active-duty military personnel are waiting six months or longer to obtain medical care in government-run veterans hospitals and medical centers.
"We're having a major battle with Congress over this, so the administration has not requested sufficient funding. By our calculations the appropriation for the next fiscal year needs to be at least $1.8 billion above where it is in the administration's request," Fuller told United Press International.