of the Draft Wesley Clark for President movement are trying to rent office space in Crawford, on the theory it's becoming the national seat of power.
Their effort, which also includes sending Clark bars and T-shirts to White House adviser Karl Rove, is part of a mini-surge among Democratic presidential hopefuls and would-be contenders to take their fight directly to President Bush, wherever he may be, during his monthlong hiatus from Washington.
"If the seat of government has moved to Crawford for the better part of the year, we realized we should establish a presence there as well," said Josh Margulies, a Republican who is among those urging former NATO Supreme Commander Clark to enter the Democratic fray.
Today, Democrat Howard Dean makes two stops in Texas on an eight-city national tour dubbed "Sleepless Summer" -- a swipe at Bush's August repose. Until recently, Dean, former Vermont governor, was running ads on Austin television critical of the Bush administration's leadership.
In San Antonio today, U.S. Sen. John Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat also in the presidential race, is making a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Kerry, a Vietnam veteran, has frequently criticized Bush's limited military experience. The president served in the Texas Air National Guard from 1968 to 1970.