Bush taps into Minnesota money
By Brian Bakst, Associated Press Writer
ST. PAUL -- President Bush paid a two-hour visit to Minnesota on Tuesday, collecting at least $1.2 million toward his re-election campaign and touting his accomplishments of the last 2½ years at a State Fair-themed luncheon for contributors.
The visit -- Bush’s seventh to Minnesota as president -- was strictly a fund-raiser with no official component, although he carved out a few minutes upon arriving at the airport to meet with two North Oaks retirees setting off for Turkmenistan on a Peace Corps mission.
In a 25-minute speech, Bush ticked off his policy highlights, from new school accountability measures to tax cuts he said would fuel an economic turnaround. He implored Congress to approve a Medicare overhaul, change medical liability laws and confirm a backlog of judges. (snip)
(snip) The Republican president’s appearance was greeted with street protests and criticism from Democratic leaders.
U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton said the purpose of Bush’s trip was “to turn Minnesota into a political ATM.” (snip/...)
http://www.wctrib.com/Main.asp?SectionID=3&SubSectionID=83&ArticleID=17046Woooo HOOOOOOO, Senator Dayton! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: