the six-nation talks on North Korea open in Beijing, a new survey of South Koreans shows rising anti-Americanism and a small decline in concern about the threat posed by the Pyongyang regime.
While seven in 10 South Koreans still think the North is a danger to the region, anti-American sentiment in young people has risen 20 percent since last July, according to a report released Saturday by the nonprofit Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
In July 2002, 51 percent of South Koreans between 18 and 29 had a “somewhat” or “very” unfavorable view of the United States. By May of this year, 71 percent of young South Koreans expressed such views.
In most of the nations surveyed, critics of the United States said their opinions mainly reflect opposition to President Bush. But in South Korea, 72 percent of those who hold unfavorable views of the United States expressed “general hostility,” one of the report’s authors said in a telephone interview.