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Group files recall papers against Nevada governor

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-28-03 02:07 AM
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Group files recall papers against Nevada governor
Group files recall papers against Nevada governor
By Associated Press
August 28, 2003

LAS VEGAS — Emboldened by recall efforts in California, a group of Nevada conservatives upset about the largest tax increase in state history began recall proceedings Wednesday against the popular Republican governor.

The group filed a notice of intent with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office in Las Vegas to seek a recall election against Gov. Kenny Guinn. Organizers have 90 days to collect 128,109 signatures, or 25 percent of those who cast ballots in the 2002 general election.

"It's going to be a daunting task," said Tony Dane, a political consultant and chairman of The Committee to Recall Governor Guinn. "But if people feel motivated enough to take control of their government, it's possible."

The group is not backing a recall candidate, Dane said.

No statewide recall effort has ever succeeded, and no Nevada governor has ever been the subject of a recall election, state Archivist Guy Louis Rocha said.

Guinn, 66, issued a statement highlighting his accomplishments, including establishing a scholarship program and privatizing the state worker's compensation program. (snip/...),1713,BDC_2420_2215601,00.html
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Democat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-28-03 02:34 AM
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1. Republicans eating their own?
This is a Republican governor being attacked by those on the far right, is that right?
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w13rd0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-28-03 04:43 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Yup...
...and it isn't so much Republicans devouring other Republicans, as the far right Republicans seeking to devour the entire concept of democracy. And they accused US of wanting do overs until we got what we wanted. GOD DAMMIT, IT WAS ONE STINKING FULL STATEWIDE HAND RECOUNT. BUSH STOLE THE DAMNED OFFICE. And now they are trying to steal offices across the nation, overturning elections, cheating, fraud, criminal acts, intimidation, threats, TERRORISM!!!

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Born_a_Democrat Donating Member (329 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-28-03 06:36 AM
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3. I guess the only good thing about this is...
that everytime you have power and think you can do whatever you want you go overboard and that's when the stupid, sheepish masses wake up and realize who you really are....

Let the Repugs keep trying these recall elections and by the time 2004 rolls around they're going to find THEIR asses recalled....
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-28-03 08:05 AM
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4. Tell me something
Is the state Dem Party going to help in this? And who would our candidate be? Shelly Berkeley?
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zanana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-28-03 08:13 AM
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5. I hope this gets ALOT of media attention.
I love it when the failure of a Republican idea becomes obvious. I don't know how many times I've bitten my lip instead of saying "I told you so".
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