(This is evidence from weapons experts in the MoD. Don't get your hopes up - Hutton is inclined to take the official line that Scarlett and the JIC were better judges than these people with scientific knowledge about and long term experience of WMD)
Dossier 'over-egged' Iraq weapons claims
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3077830.stm ...
Brian Jones, who managed scientists working at the Defence Intelligence Staff, told the inquiry into the death of Dr David Kelly he feared assessments of the Iraqi threat were being "over-egged" as the dossier was compiled.
In an e-mail to Dr Kelly the day after the dossier was published, Mr A <unnamed official who gave evidence by videophone> raised his doubts about government claims about Iraq's Al-Qa'qa plant, adding: "You will recall ....(a person's name has been blanked out) admitted they were grasping at straws."
He had written too of "our view that you and I should have been more involved in this than the spin merchants of this administration".
Mr A told the inquiry: "The perception was that the dossier had been round the houses several times in order to try to find a form of words which could strengthen certain political objectives."