While leading American bishops issued letters yesterday defending mandatory celibacy for priests as a vital church dictate that is not open to discussion, groups of priests in several dioceses were considering joining fellow priests in Milwaukee who recently petitioned for a change.
"There is an enormous amount of support for this among priests," said the Rev. Donald C. Fisher of the Association of Pittsburgh Priests, a liberal group of clerics and laypeople that plans to collect 5,000 signatures on a petition supporting optional celibacy. "It's the elephant in every clerical living room."
About a third of Milwaukee's priests signed a letter to bishops last month lamenting that a severe priest shortage was forcing many parishioners to go without the Eucharist and other sacraments that only priests can administer. As of this summer, 3,040 of the 19,081 parishes in the United States lacked resident pastors, and priests are often assigned to several parishes at once.
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/05/national/05CHUR.htmlWhich do you think Jesus would want:
(a) A dwindling supply of sexually repressed priests who have no real grasp of the normal state of adult life among their parishoners, and are thereby hindered in serving their spiritual needs?,
(b) An adequate supply of priests for whom the normal expression of sexuality is permitted, who have a full appreciation for the nature of the lives of their parishoners, and who are therefore fully capable of minstering to their spiritual needs?