I see a lot of critiques from Zinni and others who have lately left the service. Their analyses are thoughtful, their points well-taken and grounded in concrete examples, and every last one of them is given by someone who can't do anything about it anymore.
I realize that the officer corps have certain constraints on them; they fight for freedom, but don't experience it themselves. But I would really like to see a group of officers, maybe even just one in an influential position like Zinni was not so very long ago, come out publicly with this sort of criticism.
I understand the military culture that enforces a certain code of silence on active commanders, and the damage it can do to troop morale to have officers publicly railing against the civilian command. But when the problems are so overt, when the malfeasance by the civilians over the military is so egregious, and troops are getting killed because of that misconduct, neglect, arrogance, or just plain stupidity, then military leaders in a position to know those facts do a disservice to the country by remaining silent.
It will take an officer of extraordinary bravery to put his career on the line for this. But I hope someone does this soon.