EPA Report Opposes Easing of Water Rules
By Anita Huslin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 5, 2003
More than half the streams and one-third of all the wetlands in the mid-Atlantic region could lose federal Clean Water Act protection under a regulatory change being considered by the Bush administration, according to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency analysis.
The changes could leave drinking water supplies for more than 3 million people in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Delaware with no regulatory protection from pollution and leave small streams within the District and some states with no regulation at all, a report by the EPA's Philadelphia office says. "It's just completely outrageous," said Theresa Pierno, vice president of environmental protection and restoration for the foundation.
"When we look at the Bush administration, this has to be considered one of the most significant blows to damaging water quality and really setting back environmental laws. This would have an enormous impact that I think we can't ignore."
Stoner said half the ducks in the United States breed in waters that may lose protection and 40 percent of endangered species spend part of their lives in them. "The wildlife impacts are truly devastating," she said.