Despite daily protests, I am fond of the 43rd President both personally and politically. Unlike most powerful politicians I have met or worked with, George Bush is what he is. And he really couldn't care less whether you like it or not.
Maybe that approach is what infuriates 48 percent of Americans.
But after listening for years to pundits and talking heads bemoan the fact that all politicians are blow-dried, poll tested zombies, isn't it refreshing to have a regular guy who says: "This is what I believe. If you like it, vote for me. If you don't, vote for the other guy."
And why is it that news outlets are obsessed with protests during Republican inaugurations but give them little more than a fleeting glance when Democrats are sworn in? Here's my answer to him:Joe,
I hardly think that Bush's attitude is "This is what I believe. If you like it, vote for me. If you don't, vote for the other guy." That is not why he is despised. He is despised because he is viewed as such an inept human being that he can't accomplish anything substantial in life without the help of his dad & their wealthy corporate friends. Look at his life story and tell me I'm wrong.
We're angry because a life-long cheater & parasite wanted the presidency so badly that he had to steal two elections to get what he wanted, as he has had to do to achieve anything in life. We deserve better than that. And we certainly don't deserve the gross misleadership of this wannabe who manipulated himself into the White House.
It should bother our government that there is so little faith left in our election system, thanks to Bush's corruption. And the corporate media is to blame more than anyone. They're too afraid to offend their corporate sponsors to tell it like it is about this corporate-loving administration.
Thank God, more & more people are becoming aware that they can't trust what they hear on television. More than half of this country's tv viewers' interests are being ignored by the tv news sources because of their indulgence and blind eye of this corrupt administration. Continue singing the praises of this administration instead of calling it like it is; you're going to find that tv news networks will go the way of the dinosaur. We're fed up with the propaganda that is misleading the public.
And why is it that news outlets are obsessed with protests during Republican inaugurations but give them little more than a fleeting glance when Democrats are sworn in?
Just asking.Answer: Perhaps because no president as unpopular in his own country & around the world as Bush has ever been "re"-"elected" (sorry for the grammatical faux pas, but it was necessary in this case).
Wake up, newspeople! This is your country! And you're allowing this country's sense of ethics to go down the drain by ignoring the corruption of this administration.
(edited to add my "p.s."!)
p.s.: Take a look at the photos of John Kerry's campaign rallies to see the massive crowds of people who are hungry for a change. And consider the long lines at the polls despite rainy & cold weather; do you honestly think that these record numbers of people withstood those conditions to vote for an inept incumbent president?