The Philippine Star 01/24/2005
Let freedom ring. Who will argue with that in the free world? When George W. Bush, however, vows to "spread liberty" around the world, he must be reminded that the end does not always justify the means. If the world expressed alarm when the American president outlined his vision for his second term, it was largely because the world has seen how Bush tries to achieve his ends. It is not so much a shaping of events but rather the enforcement of his views to achieve the world order that he desires.
Bush’s second inaugural was held in the shadow of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, and more atrocities on Iraqi prisoners perpetrated by British soldiers. His vision of a strong democracy in the Middle East may yet come to pass, even if not during his term, and he may yet find vindication when the Arab world is free to openly enjoy Holly-wood movies and Starbucks. He outlined his global agenda two weeks before the first free elections in Iraq. For now, however, he needs to heed cautionary voices, especially among his allies, whose main fear is that his methods are compromising his objective.
The US president has drawn praise for his singleness of purpose – a leadership from which Americans draw strength and direction in a time of war. It must be emphasized that this is a dirty war whose aggressors abide by no international codes of conduct, terrorists with utter disdain for human rights. Being nice will not win this war. It must also be pointed out that Bush did score several victories: Saddam Hussein and his brutal regime have fallen and many of the top lieutenants of Osama bin Laden have been neutralized. The people of Afghanistan, including women, have voted for the first time, and that country is lurching along a rocky path toward the free market of goods and ideas.
Yet democracy built on aggression will always be fragile. America is strong because it has always championed the values that its people hold dear – values built on freedom, hard work and civic responsibility. George W. Bush cannot ignore this as he embarks on his second term. Democratic institutions cannot become strong under an oppressive environment.