Bush was warned by the international community and a substantial slice of the more analytical, independent media outlets (among these PRAVDA.Ru) to consider his policy on Iraq very carefully. He was warned about what would happen. He chose not to listen.
Six days before the election, the country is in utter chaos. Car bombs explode on a daily scale, sowing havoc among the civilian population and military forces, driving deep wedges into the fabric of Iraqi society. Foreign fighters pour into the country to join the Iraqi Resistance. The attacks against the foreign invading forces have been matched with mindless violence against civilians, massacring women and children along with the menfolk.
A sizeable section of the Sunni population has declared it will boycott the elections and with open warfare being declared on the remainder of the population by Al-Zarqawi, there is a strong possibility that the election result will be extremely unbalanced, providing tinder for the flames of civil war to burn out of control in the foreseeable future.
Great Article on what kind of a Mess Iraq is in!!!